You now have an easier way to create a sound strategy for reducing your student loan debt. The new EY Navigate™ Manage Your Student Loans goal will help you choose between refinancing or consolidating those loans. You can access the goal on your EY Navigate website.
When you use the Manage Your Student Loans goal, you'll get:
- A comparison of the differences between federal consolidation and private refinancing
- A potential payment plan that meets your needs
- A checklist of action steps for staying on track with your plan
- Objective guidance from an experienced and credentialed EY financial planner
Manage Your Student Loans is one of seven financial goals you can plan for using the EY Navigate site. The other goals are Connect with Your Benefits, Live by a Budget, Plan for Retirement, Prepare for the Unexpected, Protect Your Legacy and Reduce Your Debt.
Check out the new goal today.
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